Monday, February 25, 2008

Living in Community 1

"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God"- The Sermon on the Mount
One continuously recurring theme of this semester has been the importance of community. My friend and TTM sister, Jenny, knew I've been struggling with a little bit of depression and feelings of detachment since coming back to AU. In between Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, she showed me this booklet her mother gave her with little reflections on little snippets of readings. It said that those who are poor in spirit understand their need for God and their need for others. If we were rich, we would be completely self-sufficient and be able to do everything on our own. But when we know our need for others and for God, we have the ability to call upon that and to extend past our weak selves into something greater. Hearing that from Jenny made me realize how much my pride gets in the way of reaching out to others, especially God, to help me with life. God wants only the best for us and to make us truly happy. That's where the kingdom of heaven comes in-- if I could learn to realize my own failings and weaknesses and how much greater God is and is able to help me, and if I could put away my pride, then I would be able to live in happiness and have heaven on earth. I pray that for all of the world today that we may recognize our own poverty, only to gain in the richness of trusting God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kaylor, that is very beautiful and true. I am starting to see in myself something of the same nature - being dishonest with myself and others and God too and it was more ingrained than I thought. I'm glad to read your reflections - and thank you for providing me with an example of remembering to pray for others for the happiness that we want for ourselves.:)